Do you have minor crowding or spacing issues with your teeth? Invisalign may be the perfect option for you!

Unlike the standard Invisalign aligners, Invisalign is a shorter duration treatment that accomplishes orthodontic results for people who do not need more in depth treatment. This treatment is designed for minor adjustments and straightening, which is perfect for those of us who did not properly utilize their retainer after having braces or for people who need to fix spacing issues prior to cosmetic dental procedures.

While traditional Invisalign treatment can 20-30 aligners to achieve the desired results, Invisalign is designed to move teeth into the correct position with approximately 10 or less aligners. Usually, this process is completed in about 6 months.

The first step is to have a thorough examination and consultation about your teeth. If we determine that you meet the requirements for Invisalign , we can move forward and solve you minor spacing issues with ease!

Invisalign has all the benefits of traditional Invisalign treatment, but it’s designed for those that don’t need extensive orthodontic care. If you think this could be a solution for you, contact us today!